斯蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆(Stephen Wolfram)在对他的NKS(A New Kind of Science)的反思中提出,这一理论挑战了传统科学还原论(reductionist)的观点——即将复杂的系统拆解来描述的方法,而是强调了计算(computation)和涌现(emergence)的作用。他重申了他突破性的观点,即简单的计算规则,比如“细胞自动机”(cellular automata),可以产生极为复杂的行为。细胞自动机系统基于一个简单的规则随时间演化,该规则根据一个单元格自身以及其左右两个邻居的状态来确定这个单元格的下一个状态。一个规则确定的过程(deterministic processes)可以产生观察到的随机性。他重申了“计算不可约性”(computational irreducibility)的概念,认为许多系统无法通过简化预测其行为,必须逐步模拟每一个中间步骤才能得出结果。例如:我们无法通过简化的模型预测长期天气变化。沃尔夫勒姆也将NKS理论与基础物理学相结合,探索了时空结构本身可能由一些计算规则涌现而来。
Stephen Wolfram reflects on how his idea of NKS(A New Kind of Science)challenges traditional views of science as purely reductionist, instead emphasizing the role of computation and emergence. He reiterates his groundbreaking idea that simple computational rules, such as cellular automata, can produce highly complex behavior. The system of cellular automata evolves over time based on a simple rule that determines the state of a cell based on itself and its two immediate neighbors. Observed randomness can emerge from deterministic processes. He also revisits the concept of Computational Irreducibility, that many systems cannot be simplified or predicted without simulating each intermediate step. For example, long-term weather forecasting is difficult because atmospheric systems are computationally irreducible. Wolfram explores the fabric of space and time itself may emerge from computational rules, bridging NKS and foundational physics.

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