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歷史分為兩種,一者隱惡揚善,一者不可告人。任何國家的歷史都並非獨立存在,乃是由世界地理、文明、人類、戰爭相互影響交織而成。而我們所信仰的,究竟是真實的歷史,或只是歷史書寫下的真實……? 馬來西亞這個國度,種族多元,馬來人、華人、印度人、原住民、新移民……在此交會。印度教文化、伊斯...
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以西方哲學為經,以東方哲學為緯輔以宗教、藝術、教育與文化視野,拓展生命格局 「哲學」做為一門學問,原來只是一種生活態度, 就是保持好奇的天性,探詢一切事物的真相。這種態度稱為「愛智」。 哲學的愛好智慧,不僅僅是理性的追求, 更重要的是自我的修煉,慢慢擺脫本能的衝動和欲望的...
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Now fully updated, this bestselling book uses concrete examples, minimal theory, and two production-ready Python frameworks–Scikit-Lea...
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A bold, accessible, illustrated guide that delivers real scientific information on how the body works with a healthy side of fun facts and t...
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This exciting collection of 1,000 words will broaden young children’s vocabulary, and strengthen their early reading and writing skill...
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Computer Coding Python for Kids has all you need to master Python – one of the world’s most popular computer programming languag...
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Explore ecology in this accessible introduction to how the natural world works and how we have started to understand the environment, ecosys...
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Learn about human nature, behavior and how the mind works with The Psychology Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tack...
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Packed with fascinating discoveries and facts, this visual reference takes kids on a fantastic journey through time, from stone tools and si...
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Emily St. John Mandel was born and raised on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada. She studied contemporary dance at the School of Tor...
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Edward Wadie Saïd (Arabic: إدوارد وديع سعيد, transliteration: Edwārd Wadīʿ Saʿīd; 1 November 1935 – 25 September 2003) was an Arab Palestin...
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