41本令人捧腹的校园冒险故事《可怕的亨利》Horrible Harry Series- Suzy Kline



1. Horrible Harry in Room 2B (1988)

2. Horrible Harry and the Green Slime (1989)

3. Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion (1989)

4. Horrible Harry’s Secret (1990)

5. Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise (1983)

6. Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding (1992)

8. Horrible Harry and the Purple People (1997)

9. Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom (1998)

10. Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade (1998)

11. Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon (2000)

12. Horrible Harry At Halloween (2000)

13. Horrible Harry Goes to Sea (2001)

14. Horrible Harry and the Dragon War (2002)

16. Horrible Harry and the Holidaze (2003)

17. Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet (2004)

18. Horrible Harry and the Goog (2001)

19. Horrible Harry and the Triple Revenge (1991)

20. Horrible Harry Takes the Cake (2006)

21. Horrible Harry Cracks the Code (2007)

22. Horrible Harry Bugs the Three Bears (2008) 

23. Horrible Harry and the Dead Letters (2008)

24. Horrible Harry On the Ropes (2009)

25. Horrible Harry Goes Cuckoo (2010)

26. Horrible Harry and the Secret Treasure (2011)

27. Horrible Harry and the June Box (2011)

28. Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors (2012)

29. Horrible Harry and the Stolen Cookie (2013)

30. Horrible Harry and the Missing Diamond (2013)

31. Horrible Harry and the Hallway Bully (2014) 

32. Horrible Harry and the Wedding Spies (2015)

33. Horrible Harry and the Top-Secret Hideout (2015)

34. Horrible Harry and the Birthday Girl (2016)

35. Horrible Harry and the Battle of the Bugs (2017)

36. Horrible Harry and the Field Day Revenge! (2017)

37. Horrible Harry Says Goodbye (2018)  

01 Song Lee in Room 2B 

02 Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt

03 Song Lee and the Leech Man

04 Song Lee And The “I Hate You” Notes 



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